Tuesday, May 12, 2009

5 ways to Happy Life

There are certain things that I have noticed that i believe that if people follow will lead them not only to have a good time with all, but will also help them to be Happy in Life.... :) .....hear are 5 of them : -

1. Never have expectations
The biggest disappointment that people face are that the things they expected never happened or didn't go the way they wanted it to go. So the 1st thing and the most important thing that you can do is let go of the expectations, believe me you will be in for a lot of good surprises when things do happen and will not even notice them if they don't.

2. Don't think about the Past or the Future
The 2nd most idiotic thing that people have a tendency of doing is dwelling in the past or thinking about the future, learn to live in the present, remember that dwelling in the past will only lead to comparison with the present and they are not always make you happy or will lead you to disappointment, or thinking about the future will lead you to have expectations thus leading to our point no. 1. Just know that time changes people and things (its called evolution if you remember) and there is no way to predict which way it will go.

3. Don't worry about the mistakes you make or you might make
Anyone who says that they are perfect and don't make mistakes are lying, Dude you are human remember???? Mistakes are the part of life and sometimes making them gives us a reality check, rather than regretting them or dreading them look at them, learn and MOVE ON. Rather than fearing what might people say or that they might laugh at you, laugh with them, it would look hilarious to you in few years anyway, why not just look at them that way right now.

4. Be your self
Leaders don't follow they lead, why change yourself and follow others when you know that you can lead others yourself. Just being yourself will give you self respect and respect from others. There are others just like you and they will eventually follow you. Leaders are not born, they are made, and being yourself and believing in yourself will make you into that leader.

5. Learn to comparmise your Ego but not your Pride

The biggest mistake that i have seen people make is that either they become too egoistic and hurt others or they give up their pride and end up hurting them selves, you need to realize that your Pride is not your Ego....there is a thin line between them but not so thin that you don't seem to differ one from other. Your Ego will never let you do things for others but your Pride will....