Sunday, March 11, 2012

An Ironic Parody called "Advice on Life"

Somehow in our life whether we want to or not, we all give advices. It can be a good advice or really bad one, sometimes it’s idiotic and most of the time it’s just for the heck of it. Unfortunately what’s sad is that even when we do give advice, 90% of time we know we should be the last person giving it.
It’s not that we saying the wrong things or pointing in the wrong direction, rather majority of the time when we know it should not be us saying it, is because we don’t follow it our self. It’s like a porn star giving teenagers advice about having safe sex; it just doesn’t feel or seem right.
I am not saying that it is wrong for the person in the above scenario to be giving that advice, rather to be honest no one but he/she (the porn star) understands the importance of having safe sex. It’s just that he/she is not the right role model to show the teenager the importance of it.
We all know right from wrong, and we all at some point in our lives follow the wrong path even when we do know it’s wrong. It is this following the wrong path that makes us learn from things in life and understand how valuable they are.
It’s funny how when we have done a wrong thing and have learned from it, that when we see someone else going in that same wrong direction we immediately give them the advice of NOT TO DO IT and how bad it is for them and just hope against hope that they listen to you.
What all of this has got me thinking is that is it wrong for us to give advice to others when we know we are the last person who should be giving it? Is it being hypocritical of us to wish that they listen to you and not follow the wrong path when you yourself first committed that same mistake to be able to actually understand the true value of it today? Is it not better for someone to commit that mistake and learn from it first hand and understand the true value of it than just take your word for it?
I know the thinking about the above will vary from person to person. I am not looking for much input on that here. Rather, I just am curious as to what thought, it provokes.